What we do?

Stress-Space Ltd (SSL) experts measure residual stress in complex structures of any size for many engineering applications. Our team use the Contour Method, X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, synchrotron diffraction and hybrid residual stress measurement methods. Located at the heart of the UK’s Science & Technology Facilities, we support access to the Diamond Light Source, the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source and the wide range of STFC scientific laboratories on the Harwell Campus.

We sponsor residual stress engineering R&D (see blog) addressing measurement, high value manufacturing and structural performance challenges.

  • Residual stress consultancy and advice

    Residual Stress Consultancy

    Our team offer residual stress training, consultancy and advice. We are familiar with nuclear and aerospace requirements and assessment codes.

  • Residual Stress Measurement

    Our team use the Contour Method, hole drilling, X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, synchrotron diffraction and hybrid residual stress measurement methods.

  • Robotic X-Ray diffractometer

    Residual Stress Equipment

    We supply robotic X-ray diffraction measurement equipment that adaptively maps residual stress across complex shaped parts.

  • contour method software

    Residual Stress Software

    We supply ‘Adaptive XRD’ software for XRD mapping of complex surfaces & ContourMap’ for contour method data analysis.

Why work with us?

Great Team

  • 60 years of expertise
    in residual stress & structural integrity.

  • World renowned
    including clients such as Rolls-Royce, Airbus, Framatome, EDF Energy etc.

  • ISO9001 accredited
    quality you can trust

  • Continuous R&D studies
    with academic and research partners

Ideal Location

Located at the heart of the UK’s Science & Technology Facilities with easy access to neutron, synchrotron and other facilities.